TGuide S96 avtomatlashtirilgan nuklein kislotali ekstraktor

Hammasi juda yuqori, 192 ta namunani bir martadan olish mumkin.

TGuide S96 avtomatlashtirilgan nuklein kislota ekstraktori eng yangi magnit novda adsorbsiyasi va uzatish magnit boncuk usulini qabul qiladi. Nuklein kislotasini 1-192 ta qon/hujayralar/to'qimalar/viruslar va boshqa namunalardan avtomatik ravishda olish va tozalash uchun 96 chuqurlikdagi quduq plitalari va har xil turdagi magnitli boncuklar ajratish reaktivlari qo'llaniladi.

Bu ekstraktor katta hajmli namunalarga yaxshi moslasha oladigan 24 ta oqim moduli bilan jihozlanishi mumkin. U oldindan qadoqlangan TIANGEN reaktivlari bilan jihozlangan va bir vaqtning o'zida 1-24 ta namunani olish mumkin. Asbob bilan ishlov beriladigan maksimal namuna hajmi - 5 ml. Ayniqsa, zardob va plazmadagi erkin nuklein kislotasini olish uchun juda mos keladi. U yuqori ekstraktsiya rentabelligi va yaxshi tozalikka ega va o'simtani aniqlash, NIPT va boshqalar kabi sohalarda ishlatilishi mumkin.

Mushuk Yo'q Paket hajmi
OSE-S96-01 1 O'rnatish
OSE-S96-02 1 to'plam
OSE-S96-03 1 to'plam

Mahsulot detallari

Mahsulot teglari

Ishlash parametrlari

Operating Parameters



Ultra yuqori rentabellik va poklikning ko'p kafolatlari

Sirkulyatsiya adsorbsiyasi rejimi, magnit boncuklarni tiklash samaradorligi ≥ 98%
Sirkulyatsiya adsorbsiyasi rejimi orqali tezligi sozlanishi orqali, magnit tayoqning sekin tushish jarayonida magnit tayoqchaning uchiga adsorbsiyalanadi, shuning uchun ellyus hajmi kichik bo'lgan taqdirda ham elit barcha magnitni qamrab oladi. munchoqlar ko'p marotaba aylanadi va hatto zarrachalarning kichik o'lchamli magnitli boncuklari ham samarali singdirilishi mumkin.

Operating Parameters  Operating Parameters   Principle Principle  Multiple Guarantees of Ultra High Yield & Purity  Circulation adsorption mode, magnetic bead recovery efficiency ≥ 98% Through the circulation adsorption mode with adjustable speed, magnetic beads are adsorbed on the tip of the magnetic rod during the slow descending process of the magnetic rod, so that under the condition that the elution volume is small, the eluent can still cover all the magnetic beads and circulate for many times, and even the magnetic beads with small particle sizes can be effectively adsorbed.       Four-Dimensional Integrated Motion Mode Ensures The Best Blending Effect ■ The four-dimensional integrated motion mode of X/Y/Z motion of the mechanical arm integral module and vibration of the mixing parts ensures stable operation and high precision of the instrument; ■ The instrument has high oscillation frequency and adjustable multi-gear, which is suitable for different reagent integration schemes; ■ The vibration amplitude can be adaptively adjusted according to the solution volume set by the user, thus achieving the best experimental mixing effect. Professional Pollution Control & Safety Guarantee ■ UV sterilization module: It can ensure that the operation in the machine reaches a sterile environment; ■ Anti-aerosol fan: Keep the air in the instrument in circulation to avoid aerosol pollution; ■ Anti-dripping disc: Effectively avoid cross contamination between wells and plates; ■ Closed operation: If the door is opened accidentally, the instrument will automatically pause to ensure safety; ■ Disposable reagent consumables: To protect the safety of laboratory personnel and laboratory environment to the greatest extent. Reasonable Design of The Expandable Throughout The matrix arrangement of double row and four plate positions not only ensures the expandability of the experiment, but also reduces the occupied area of the instrument and effectively uses the space. Under limited conditions, it can be expanded to extract 192 samples at a time, ensuring a ultra-high throughput extraction capability. With double heating modules of lysis/elution, the extraction efficiency can be improved.        Intuitive and User-Friendly Human-Computer Interaction Interface The 10.1-inch touch computer is equipped with Windows system and touch operation, which is simple and easy to use, conforming to the user’s usage habits. The program setting takes full account of the experimental expansibility, multi-parameter free configuration, and large integration and development space. Product Guide for TGuide S96  Features ■ Extremely high throughout: 192 samples can be extracted in a single run. ■ Operation mode: 10.1-inch touch interface (Windows system) ■ Magnetic bead adsorption: Cycle adsorption, recovery efficiency ≥ 98% ■ Movement mode: Four-dimensional integrated movement, confirming the best mixing effect ■ Replaceable modules: A 24-flux modules can be provided, with flexible processing volume ■ Professional contamination prevention: Effective avoidance of cross-contamination between wells and plates

To'rt o'lchovli birlashtirilgan harakat rejimi eng yaxshi aralashtirish effektini ta'minlaydi

■ mexanik qo'l integral modulining X/Y/Z harakatining to'rt o'lchovli integratsiyalashgan harakat rejimi va aralashtirish qismlarining tebranishi asbobning barqaror ishlashini va yuqori aniqligini ta'minlaydi;
■ asbob yuqori tebranish chastotasi va sozlanishi ko'p tishli qutiga ega, bu reagentlarni birlashtirishning turli sxemalariga mos keladi;
■ Vibratsiyali amplitudani foydalanuvchi sozlagan eritma hajmiga mos ravishda sozlash mumkin, shu bilan tajriba aralashtirishning eng yaxshi effektiga erishiladi.
Professional ifloslanishni nazorat qilish va xavfsizlik kafolati
■ UV -sterilizatsiya moduli: Mashinada ishlash steril muhitga kirishini ta'minlashi mumkin;
■ Aerozolga qarshi fan: Aerozollarning ifloslanishiga yo'l qo'ymaslik uchun asbobni havosida aylantirib turing;
■ Damlamaslikka qarshi disk: quduqlar va plitalar orasidagi o'zaro ifloslanishni samarali oldini olish;
■ Yopiq ishlash: Agar eshik tasodifan ochilsa, xavfsizlik avtomatik tarzda ta'minlanadi.
■ Bir martalik reaktiv sarf materiallari: Laboratoriya xodimlari va laboratoriya muhitining xavfsizligini maksimal darajada himoya qilish.
Kengaytirilishi mumkin bo'lgan oqilona dizayn
Ikki qatorli va to'rtta plastinka pozitsiyalarining matritsali joylashuvi nafaqat tajribaning kengayishini ta'minlaydi, balki asbobning ishg'ol qilingan maydonini kamaytiradi va bo'sh joydan samarali foydalanadi. Cheklangan sharoitda, u bir vaqtning o'zida 192 ta namunani olish uchun kengaytirilishi mumkin, bu esa yuqori o'tkazuvchanlik qobiliyatini ta'minlaydi. Ikki marta lizis/elitusli isitish modullari yordamida qazib olish samaradorligini oshirish mumkin.

Operating Parameters  Operating Parameters   Principle Principle  Multiple Guarantees of Ultra High Yield & Purity  Circulation adsorption mode, magnetic bead recovery efficiency ≥ 98% Through the circulation adsorption mode with adjustable speed, magnetic beads are adsorbed on the tip of the magnetic rod during the slow descending process of the magnetic rod, so that under the condition that the elution volume is small, the eluent can still cover all the magnetic beads and circulate for many times, and even the magnetic beads with small particle sizes can be effectively adsorbed.       Four-Dimensional Integrated Motion Mode Ensures The Best Blending Effect ■ The four-dimensional integrated motion mode of X/Y/Z motion of the mechanical arm integral module and vibration of the mixing parts ensures stable operation and high precision of the instrument; ■ The instrument has high oscillation frequency and adjustable multi-gear, which is suitable for different reagent integration schemes; ■ The vibration amplitude can be adaptively adjusted according to the solution volume set by the user, thus achieving the best experimental mixing effect. Professional Pollution Control & Safety Guarantee ■ UV sterilization module: It can ensure that the operation in the machine reaches a sterile environment; ■ Anti-aerosol fan: Keep the air in the instrument in circulation to avoid aerosol pollution; ■ Anti-dripping disc: Effectively avoid cross contamination between wells and plates; ■ Closed operation: If the door is opened accidentally, the instrument will automatically pause to ensure safety; ■ Disposable reagent consumables: To protect the safety of laboratory personnel and laboratory environment to the greatest extent. Reasonable Design of The Expandable Throughout The matrix arrangement of double row and four plate positions not only ensures the expandability of the experiment, but also reduces the occupied area of the instrument and effectively uses the space. Under limited conditions, it can be expanded to extract 192 samples at a time, ensuring a ultra-high throughput extraction capability. With double heating modules of lysis/elution, the extraction efficiency can be improved.        Intuitive and User-Friendly Human-Computer Interaction Interface The 10.1-inch touch computer is equipped with Windows system and touch operation, which is simple and easy to use, conforming to the user’s usage habits. The program setting takes full account of the experimental expansibility, multi-parameter free configuration, and large integration and development space. Product Guide for TGuide S96  Features ■ Extremely high throughout: 192 samples can be extracted in a single run. ■ Operation mode: 10.1-inch touch interface (Windows system) ■ Magnetic bead adsorption: Cycle adsorption, recovery efficiency ≥ 98% ■ Movement mode: Four-dimensional integrated movement, confirming the best mixing effect ■ Replaceable modules: A 24-flux modules can be provided, with flexible processing volume ■ Professional contamination prevention: Effective avoidance of cross-contamination between wells and plates

Intuitiv va foydalanuvchilarga qulay inson-kompyuter o'zaro ta'siri interfeysi
10,1 dyuymli sensorli kompyuter Windows tizimi va sensorli operatsion tizim bilan jihozlangan bo'lib, ulardan foydalanish odatlariga mos, sodda va ishlatish oson. Dastur sozlamalari eksperimental kengayish, ko'p parametrli konfiguratsiya, katta integratsiya va ishlab chiqish maydonini to'liq hisobga oladi.

TGuide S96 uchun mahsulot qo'llanmasi

Operating Parameters  Operating Parameters   Principle Principle  Multiple Guarantees of Ultra High Yield & Purity  Circulation adsorption mode, magnetic bead recovery efficiency ≥ 98% Through the circulation adsorption mode with adjustable speed, magnetic beads are adsorbed on the tip of the magnetic rod during the slow descending process of the magnetic rod, so that under the condition that the elution volume is small, the eluent can still cover all the magnetic beads and circulate for many times, and even the magnetic beads with small particle sizes can be effectively adsorbed.       Four-Dimensional Integrated Motion Mode Ensures The Best Blending Effect ■ The four-dimensional integrated motion mode of X/Y/Z motion of the mechanical arm integral module and vibration of the mixing parts ensures stable operation and high precision of the instrument; ■ The instrument has high oscillation frequency and adjustable multi-gear, which is suitable for different reagent integration schemes; ■ The vibration amplitude can be adaptively adjusted according to the solution volume set by the user, thus achieving the best experimental mixing effect. Professional Pollution Control & Safety Guarantee ■ UV sterilization module: It can ensure that the operation in the machine reaches a sterile environment; ■ Anti-aerosol fan: Keep the air in the instrument in circulation to avoid aerosol pollution; ■ Anti-dripping disc: Effectively avoid cross contamination between wells and plates; ■ Closed operation: If the door is opened accidentally, the instrument will automatically pause to ensure safety; ■ Disposable reagent consumables: To protect the safety of laboratory personnel and laboratory environment to the greatest extent. Reasonable Design of The Expandable Throughout The matrix arrangement of double row and four plate positions not only ensures the expandability of the experiment, but also reduces the occupied area of the instrument and effectively uses the space. Under limited conditions, it can be expanded to extract 192 samples at a time, ensuring a ultra-high throughput extraction capability. With double heating modules of lysis/elution, the extraction efficiency can be improved.        Intuitive and User-Friendly Human-Computer Interaction Interface The 10.1-inch touch computer is equipped with Windows system and touch operation, which is simple and easy to use, conforming to the user’s usage habits. The program setting takes full account of the experimental expansibility, multi-parameter free configuration, and large integration and development space. Product Guide for TGuide S96  Features ■ Extremely high throughout: 192 samples can be extracted in a single run. ■ Operation mode: 10.1-inch touch interface (Windows system) ■ Magnetic bead adsorption: Cycle adsorption, recovery efficiency ≥ 98% ■ Movement mode: Four-dimensional integrated movement, confirming the best mixing effect ■ Replaceable modules: A 24-flux modules can be provided, with flexible processing volume ■ Professional contamination prevention: Effective avoidance of cross-contamination between wells and plates


■ Juda yuqori: 192 ta namunani bir martalik olish mumkin.
■ Ish tartibi: 10,1 dyuymli sensorli interfeys (Windows tizimi)
■ Magnit boncuk adsorbsiyasi: tsikl adsorbsiyasi, tiklash samaradorligi ≥ 98%
■ Harakat rejimi: To'rt o'lchovli yaxlit harakat, eng yaxshi aralashtirish effektini tasdiqlaydi
■ O'zgartiriladigan modullar: ishlov berishning moslashuvchan hajmiga ega, 24-oqimli modullar bilan ta'minlanishi mumkin
■ Professional ifloslanishning oldini olish: quduqlar va plitalar o'rtasida o'zaro kontaminatsiyani samarali oldini olish

Barcha mahsulotlar ODM/OEM uchun moslashtirilishi mumkin. Tafsilotlar uchun,Iltimos, moslashtirilgan xizmatni (ODM/OEM) bosing

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